Fue Performed By Dr. Feriduni – 1666 Fu In A Single Day Session

							<div> <strong>FUE performed by Dr. Feriduni – 1666 FU in a single day session</strong></div>
							<div>Follicular Unit Extraction performed on a 28 year old Caucasian male with:<br><br>
							- NW II Class T<br>
							- Donor density of ~76-84 FU/cm2 in the occipital donor region and ~72-80 FU/cm2 in the temporal donor regions<br>
							- Hair diameter of ~50-60 microns<br><br>
							Treatment plan: <br><br>
							FUE procedure with 1500-1800 FU to reconstruct the hairline and add density to the central core<br><br>
							Performed procedure (September, 20th 2011):<br><br>
							A Follicular Unit Extraction with 1666 FU in a single day session:<br><br>
							* 617 single hair FU<br>
							* 1049 double and triple hair FU<br><br>
							Extraction performed with a 0.85mm FUE punch with CIT Manual Punch Handle. No microscopic preparation of the follicular unit grafts; <br>
							Parallel incisions (single, double and triple units) were made in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.8mm – 0.85mm).<br><br><br>
							Dr. B. Feriduni </div>






