Kérastase Densifique Claims To Stimulate The Scalp To Wake Up Dormant Follicles

Scientists have found that many of those suffering from hair loss or balding have skin tissue in the scalp that has an oxygen deficiency – a condition called hypoxia.

Kérastase Densifique Hair Loss Treament

They have developed a molecule called stemoxydine that targets this condition by attempting to increase oxygen levels in the scalp.

The increase aims to help follicles to produce thicker hair and stimulate hair growth in areas where the follicles have shut down.

The Kérastase Densifique cream, which costs £285 for a three-month treatment, is applied to the hair daily.

It is put into damp or dry hair using an applicator and then massaged into the scalp.

The maker L’Oreal, which developed it in its hair laboratory in Paris, claim that it is clinically proven to be effective for both men and women.

In a study, 101 people who used the product once a day for three months found a four per cent increase in the number of hairs they had, which represent an average of 1,700 new hairs.

After 90 days researchers claim that the liquid “Kérastase Densifique”, when applied to the roots, can promote the growth of more than 1500 new hairs.

Patricia Pineau, head of scientific affairs at L’Oréal, said: ‘We’ve known for 100 years that hair grows and falls out. We haven’t known what makes hair regenerate until now.

It is all about hair stem cell environment. In 2000, we have published the existence of two stem cell reservoirs in the hair and, more recently, we have both identified the optimal environment and designed a molecule able to favour it.

Kérastase Densifique is a result of this discovery that happens not very often. We have been able to develop a cosmetic product that respects the natural way hair regenerates.

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